Friday, November 20, 2009

HellOoo GoOd NEws!!!:::.ºººº Tow weeks ago I had been making a Trivia to some people.,,it was something rare but incredible for me..I had been asking this question to some people.: If I die
tomorrow ..What would you say ?..Some of them told me they didn´t know or asked
me Why I asked this question..But it was the point for me ...As you don´t know when you´re gonna die you don´t know what people would tell you ..´cause sometimes there wouldn´t have time to tell you what they think or feel if you die so for this and other thing I made this Trivia..Now I have a little idea about what people think about me or feel about me..Or maybe I hope it´s true..and What do you think of it? ..WAS it good?..Because I think it was..Here are some answers about some people who had the courage to answer this..-

One of them told me this thing: ´´Primero me volvería loco , después te daría
las gracias por ser una de las personas más geniales de mi vida y que aunque no
te conocí en persona te llevarías algo de mí que es MI CORAZÓN" it sounds great
hehe..but I think we have to be more realistic because Until --you meet a person
face to face you don´t know what you feel about this person or what you think of
her..so you can´t live in a Cinderella Story or in a Fantasy Story..But I hope
that this person had told me the true..

The second one told me this thing : ´´ Que decanses en paz y que te valla
bien" --Something short but pretty real..At least I´m sure it´s true.But I
think if you´re gonna be with God ..you ´re not gonna be good , you´re gonna be

The other ine told me something long take a look: ´´ No se ponga triste ante
una despedida .Una despedida es necesaria para volver a reencontrarse y un
reencuentro después de toda una vida, es algo inevitable si somos amigos de
verdad...Si moriría mañana no dejaría que pase este día sin abrir la puerta que
está dentro dentro de mí y entar para dar el cariño que tengo para darte no caer
en el precipicio de un desaliento"..--WOW...it was a little long but at the same
time good..I´ve never thought this person would tell me that but I´m sure
someday We´re gonna be good friends of course no more than this..but a good

Here is the other answer: ´´Adiós , q eres buena persona y por qué te
llevaron tan temprano.."

The other one: ´´ ta difícil eso porque uno nunca sabe cuando morirá ..Que
te quiero mucho y que siempre te llevaré presente y aunque me hallas votado no
meriendes conmigo siempre serás mi Best Friend 4 ever"..--OMG!! maybe I´m loved
for some other people..

The sixth one is this.: ´´No sé ,,que te valla bien,,y buen viaje""..--A,:I
just told thanks!!!ºº

oh..This is the another one: ´´Bueno que lo lamentaría porque a pesar de ser
una persona joven eres muy buena y en lo poco que te he conocido me has caído
bien""..-oH!! I think I´m a goOd persOn..Love God!!!

The other one.: ´´Bueno Kissi en este poco tiempo que hemos convivido , te
he tomado un gran aprecio , no sólo como compañera de clase, sino., como amiga,
así que , te voy a extañar.Espero que te valla bien con tu reunión con Dios , y
que él te acepte en el cielo, para así poderte ver, en unas cuantas
decadas..Lol"".--a Good Friend!!I just hope it keeps being like

And the lasT one: ´´Lo lamentO""---OOh this is the shorter answer
..but...whatever I like it..hehehheªªºººº..

Now I have a little idea about people feeling and what people think about
something like this..A little crazy but..sometimes We have a little curiosity of
that..--I just said THanks!! to all those people ..who love me a lot..Love
God..and Thamks God..for those expirience I live ..and other people do for
me..!!!so Thanks!!And Now I know that I´m loved for so many people and that I
Wow..Life is so GoOd!!!!


  1. ComMent Please..´cause I wanna Know your opinions about that!!!ººº

  2. ; PiensO que aunque parezca locO, aveces son bastante utiles las respuestas que te dan algunas persOnas!.. ahah!! It was fuun Girl!! :D Att: Pao Massiel.
